The Minolta DiAlta 551 was a middle high end B&W printer copier from Minolta. This kit contained many elements:
AD MATS: Provided in PDF and Quark formats, these are excellent for local advertising, fliers, or proposal inserts. (Di551_AD_MAT.pdf; QUARKFILES_MAC; QUARKFILES_PC)
PRODUCT BROCHURE: Full information selling tool. Product features, advantages, and benefits, accessory and option information and configurations, plus complete specifications. (PDF Format: Di551_BROCHURE.pdf)
CONFIGURATION SHEET: A quick and convenient, single page reference guide illustrating base unit information, paper supply and finishing options, plus memory and connectivity options. Also model and part numbers, consumable yields, and important notes. (PDF Format: Di551_CONFIG.pdf)
MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION: An excellent PC only multimedia introduction to the Di551. This program runs best when installed on your PC hard drive (run Di551SETUP.exe). If you plan to run it from the CD Drive you should have a 12X or better drive. This program also contains video clips of key Di551 features that can be viewed at your desktop.
POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: Informative marketing overview of the Di551 that can be used as an introduction or for training purposes. (Di551_OVERVIEW.ppt)
PRESS RELEASE: Ready-made Press Release document, with fields for dealer information, to quickly and easily generate press information promoting the Di551 and your dealership for local media. (Word doc: DLR_TEMPL_Di551.doc) Important instructions for using this release most effectively are in Di551_README.doc.
PRODUCT AND SALES GUIDE: Comprehensive reference tool for learning and understanding the capabilities of the new Di551. Contains market position information, in depth product and option information, selling strategies, and product comparisons. (PDF Format: Di551_P-S_GUIDE.pdf)
PRODUCT LINE ART: Fully scalable art that can be used in ads, proposals and fliers. (EPS Format: Di551.eps)
PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY: High resolution and screen resolution photos of the product, in several configurations, for use in ads, promotional materials, catalogs and fliers, web sites, on screen training and information programs, etc. (300 & 72 dpi: EPS, Tiff, JPG Formats: Di551_403.eps; Di551_404.eps; Di551_FN113.eps; Di551_IDEAL.eps; Di551_SILO.eps; Di551_TONER.eps; Di551_BEAUTY_SHOT.tif)
READ ME: File to reprint this document. (PDF Format: README_Di551.pdf)
SPECIFICATION SHEETS: Short form product information and specifications. (PDF Format: Di551_SPEC.pdf; Pi6500e_SPEC.pdf)
SUPPORT INFO: List of the sales support materials for the Di551, showing item numbers and pricing, that can be ordered at www.partnerlink.minoltausa.com. (PDF Format: Di551_SUPPORTINFO.pdf)
USER MANUAL: Full user manual for the Di551. Complete reference to all product and option specifications and operation. (PDF Format: Di551_OP_MANUAL.pdf)
Managed complete production of all elements in this package: budget, writing, design, production, and distribution.